Power of Attorney Template
A comprehensive kit designed for you to grant and revoke authority over your financial affairs to someone who will then have the power to act on your behalf and in your name.
What is a Power of Attorney?
A Power of Attorney is a legal document in which a person (‘the Donor’) authorises a nominated person (‘the Attorney’) to manage and make decisions regarding the Donor’s financial affairs. There are several types of Powers of Attorney.
This pack contains two types of Ordinary Power of Attorney templates. An Ordinary Power of Attorney is valid only while you retain mental capacity and is usually used when the Donor is only temporarily unable to manage their affairs. Examples of such circumstances when an Ordinary Power of Attorney may be required include time spent abroad, in hospital, or when less able to get around. In the case of loss of capacity, an Ordinary Power of Attorney is automatically terminated.
Please note, this pack does not cover Lasting Power of Attorney, which remains valid in case of mental incapacity.
What is a Deed of Revocation?
Deed of Revocations allow you to revoke previously granted Power of Attorney. This pack contains two types of Deeds of Revocation, as well as the Power of Attorney templates, to best fit your needs.
What decisions can be made on the Donor’s behalf?
Depending on the document, a Power of Attorney may be either general or limited to specific affairs. A General Power of Attorney, according to the Powers of Attorney Act 1971, gives the Attorney(s)the power to do anything you, the Donor, could lawfully do with your affairs. As such, Power of Attorney should be granted with caution to a trusted friend or family member. Using a Special Power of Attorney grants limited rights to act on your behalf, under the circumstances you lay out.
What is included in this kit?
This kit contains two types of Ordinary Powers of Attorney and two types of Deed of Revocations. All of our templates are drafted by a solicitor, following the standard form of words required. We also provide step-by-step instructions to guide you through the process of writing your Power of Attorney, as well as completed examples. The kit contains everything you need to create your Power of Attorney with confidence and ease.
This kit contains General Power of Attorney and Special Power of Attorney. Again, please note that it does not cover Lasting Power of Attorney.